The global adminsitrative boundary dataset allows provides the geospatial information for the aggregation level of our agricultural climate indicator dataset. It allows you to join datasets using geospatial joins. This dataset’s source is the geoBoundaries project, using the comprehensive global administrative zones (CGAZ) datset.

The dataset we make available contains the “county” (ADM2) and “state” (ADM1) level administrative boundaries for all countries in the world. The dataset is made to be queried geospatially, so you can query for the geographies that intersect or contain a given geometry. This allows you to obtain the join key for other datasets.

Column definitions


This is the unique identifier for the adminsitrative boundary and is used as the join key for datasets aggregated to the administrative boundary level.


This is the name of the administrative boundary, if available, in the local language.


The shape_id of the parent administrative boundary at the state (ADM1) level, if one exists.


The ISO-3 country code for the parent country of the administrative boundary.


The calculated area of the administrative boundary in square kilometers. This calculation is very good approximation, but not a perfect calculation of the area as it involves projecting the geometry to a universal transverse mercator projection.


The GeoJSON geometry of the administrative boundary in EPSG:4326 projection. If querying this dataset, the output will be provided based on your default and/or requested format, as specified in Snowflake’s documentation.